I see HS-6 is between Unique and Blue Dot / 2400 etc.
Thursday, December 26, 2019, 09:50

in burn rate. I'm a little surprised it has not pressured up to seal at that speed. I bet just a little more would do it. I have some .510 GNR Herco loads I shot, closer to your HS-6. However I don't recall the "soot" factor. I get lots of sooty loads in .45 Colt for some reason. Never mind it much, most of my loads are light loads in differing old guns.

I sound like a broken record but Trail Boss is fun for reduced loads. Not very flexible, it is what it is. Going up or down does not really change velocity, only tweaks accuracy. Just do not compress it. Nasty little flat doughnuts everywhere.

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