Gary Reeder
as a very small "for instance" look at our camo
Friday, December 27, 2019, 14:08

clothing line. You can't have last years camo if you want to be successful in the field. You absolutely have to have the "new and improved" camo if you want to do well hunting. And don't worry about it being twice the price as last years camo line. I am sure it is worth it.

I get flyers in the gun shop from two or three camo clothing companies where they show camo pants at $600 a pair and jackets at the same price. Heavy coats at $850, Boots at $300 and so on. And because they have a nice color flyer with some moron like Boddington in it then the young crowd feel they have to have that brand of camo.

And it is not just our camo. Look at the women's wear line up. Because some faggot in Paris says this is what is in vogue at some fancy Paris fashion show then the ladies have to have that no matter if it is the most ridiculous looking thing on earth.

It is a real shame the direction this country is heading.

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