The little pump .22 has a very distinct pattern underside
Monday, September 17, 2018, 15:03

I was looking for a Rossi which is actually a clone of the wire round spring powered M62A Winchester (earlier guns had flat springs). Low and behold I found this one with very unfortunate signs of external rust. Inside it was pristine! I paid about what I would have for a clean Rossi and was elated.

My Winchester shooters collection is all take down style so far. The M12, 62A, and 1910 .401 WSL. One day I plan to add a Pre-64 M70 but not a take down. Maybe a Pre-64 M94 but I care little for the .30-30, maybe a .400 GNR custom....

*Don't throw tomatoes, nothing wrong with the .30-30 it just don't excite me. I'd just prefer an old .25-35, .38-55, or custom. Gary's .35 cal. would be a humm-dinger too. The .356 Win. is a great ctg. but making brass from .444 is a pain. Gary fixed that.

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