LOL! True that. I don't really like what they are doing.
Wednesday, February 01, 2017, 14:06

Glock is dated?! Really? Except for MAYBE the rail feature added to Gen 3 platforms the original is hard to beat. Who needs ambi features other than armorers or bureaucrats? Not me. The less buttons the better!

So far the parts mostly interchange. With this generation that will change and greatly complicate things. But the aftermarket is very adaptable. It make those that can keep it all straight more valuable individuals.

OK steel sights are more durable than plastic, but I've never dropped one myself. I like the tapered nose on the slide and while I never had issues with the finger grooves I can do fine without them too. As I said it's nice to hang a flashlight off the front but apart from that it's hard to improve on the original G17/19 of the 1980's.

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