Florida Gov. Rick Scott has some sensible

Gary Reeder
Friday, February 23, 2018, 12:53 (2253 days ago)

changes to protect the state's school kids..and no screaming about banning AR-15s.


I worry about under 21 hunting. Possess could be sitting in

Darryl T.
Friday, February 23, 2018, 13:50 (2253 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

Tree holding it. Here in NY you can't hold or touch a handgun without having a pistol permit even in a store. How do you even see if it's the size that fits?

Florida F&WS had specific legislation with respect to huntin

Mike Casselton
Friday, February 23, 2018, 14:24 (2253 days ago) @ Darryl T.

For those under 18 and in possession of a firearm.
Requires hunters safety course, etc.

B.S. proposal in my opinion

Abin Sur
Friday, February 23, 2018, 18:06 (2253 days ago) @ Darryl T.

If you can vote or choose to defend you country at 18, you should be able to purchase any firearm.

Don't get me started on the rest

I would worry about fraudulent misuse

Friday, February 23, 2018, 15:15 (2253 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

of “family members” having guns confiscated through the courts. Liberal judges have agendas too. Who constitutes as a “family member”? Once a wrong is done, it’s hard to undo.

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