There was a mention of selling some guns

Gary Reeder
Monday, February 26, 2024, 13:51 (66 days ago)

down below to help pay for an African hunt. I talked to John Abraham last night. John is the head man of Madubula Safaris and the pH I have hunted with on 16 African safaris. Besides being my PH he is also a very close friend. We talked about my next African hunt or the possibility of there being one. He has a Bongo hunt coming up in the CAR (Central African Republic) in about 2 weeks and isn't looking forward to it. Besides the horrible weather (110 degrees with 100% humidity) along with huge snakes, spiders the size of a dinner plate that fall out of trees and land on your head,(by the way that is the reason for those hard wide round safari hats they wear over there). They have mosquitos that could eat a hummingbird, leeches that can suck you dry, and don't forget the pigmy cannibals. The CAR is the only place in Africa with known cannibals. The people that OK the hunt suggest strongly to take guns along, other than the normal hunting guns. John asked me if I would like to go along and bring a couple of our Jack Russells with me. .All the Bongo hunters in Africa use Jack Russells. Unfortunately, I think I am going to have something planned during that time. I did suggest Erik Stenberg and his son Nick to take my place. He thought that would be a good idea too. All in all it sounds like a great hunt and a great place to spend $40,000..

I would not worry about the cannibals,

Darryl T.
Monday, February 26, 2024, 17:06 (66 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

You would be to tough for them.

You got a point

Gary Reeder
Monday, February 26, 2024, 17:30 (66 days ago) @ Darryl T.

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