Got this from a friend. No pictures but you have seen them.
Friday, February 23, 2018, 10:05

Not really going to get into with anybody on this but for what its worth here is some education for you. At the top of this picture is an evil black rifle an XM-15e2. On the bottom is an M1 Carbine. Both can hold 30 round magazines. Both have the same rate of fire. Both are available to the civilian market. One was invented for war to defeat oppressive governments that were murdering millions of defenseless and unarmed citizens. Yes that would be the wooden one.
The M1 was manufactured in WW2 and millions were made. After the war many of our boys came home with their M1's and even more were sold to the civilian markets by the CMP for $20 dollars a piece. "My grandfather bought one."
So yes evil assault rifles "your terminology not mine" have been around for decades. So here is the question. How did we have thousands upon thousands of men return home from some of the most horrific fighting the world has even seen, have access to the M1 and didnt go around killing innocents? Access? Nope. You could go to Sears and buy an M1. You didnt even have to be 18 to purchase one in the 50's. To buy a handgun you have to be 21, that didnt change until 1968.
Well today's guns have more firepower. Nope, also not true. Ammo cheaper? Hell no. Much, much cheaper in the 40's and 50's. So try if you will to take the gun out of the picture and put your focus elsewhere? What has changed?
Nuclear family under attack. God removed from school. Prayers forbidden. School administrators not allowed to punish kids anymore. Defeat is not allowed, everyone gets a trophy. Teasing is bullying. Girls should not be treated as girls and boys should not be treated as boys. When in doubt administrator drugs. Games where you kill people or cops you get points for. Movies that glorify violence. 15 minutes of fame given out on social media for stupidity.
Have guns change? Yes, went from wood to black plastic. Has our society changed? What do you think? Ramble over.

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