Gary Reeder
several years ago Kalashnikov and Uzi Gal were at
Tuesday, September 19, 2017, 15:30

the SHOT SHOW. Colleen, Kase and I were asked to come upstairs to meet them. This was in 1999 or 2000. Both were old men but nice as could be. I was very surprised that they knew who we were. Both said they read American gun magazines and were familiar with our work. Uzi Gal was the inventor of the UZI and the Galil rifle, while Mikhail Kalashnikov was of course the inventor of the rifle that bears his name. We spent a couple of hours with them. Gal was pissed that the Chinese at Norinco had a copy of the Uzi under development and Kalashnikov wasn't happy that terrorists and so many bad guys were using his rifle. They both joked with each other that the other's guns were used against their people. But it was all light hearted and not vindictive. I will admit to being very impressed with both gentlemen and consider myself blessed to have met both these gentlemen.

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