Gary Reeder
Eight years ago there were 6 companies licensed to build AR
Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 12:11

15s. Today there are over 200. Probably half of them will go under before the end of the year as the market is flooded with them and more coming every day. Just in the last month, 4 big companies have announced they are coming out with their own AR. My gut feeling is if the gun is special to you, then keep it, if it is just sitting in the safe gathering dust and you have a lusting for a new gun, then sell the AR and buy the new gun. We have several ARs. Colleen just bought an AR-10, just because. But if I got the hots for something new, one of the ARs would go. They are just a gun, a utilitarian rifle. No class, no character, just a gun. They can always be replaced.

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