I'd suggest Burris or Leupold 2x or 4x
Tuesday, January 31, 2017, 18:38

1st choice would be Burris 4x. To my eyes, the Leupold's are finicky about getting lined up. I've had a 4x Burris on my Encore 9" 429GNR no brake, with no problems. At the last HHC, I could quickly pick up a moving hog at 50 yds and put the bullet right behind the shoulder. Use the Leupold dual dovetail rings and a drop of epoxy under the base. I took 2 Encores from the east coast to Alaska and back and both guns held zero out and back. One was the Burris 4x and the other was Burris 2-7x. I suppose those Fastfires are another option too, don't know how they'd stand up to the recoil of a 510.

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