Gary Reeder
At one of the Celebrity Handgun Hunts the Y.O.Ranch had a
Tuesday, April 02, 2024, 17:42

sale on EMUs, those little midget ostrichs. They bought a bunch of them from another exotic ranch but they were chasing people and kicking dents in trucks, so the Y.O. said shoot all you like, $50 each. I shot $400 worth of them. I wanted the taxidermist to mount two of them to put one on each side of the door to my shop and do one and spray paint it yellow to tell the kids I shot Big Bird. But the taxidermist decided he didn't want to do it but he waited a month or so to tell me and the hides had turned bad by then. Dave Manson was hunting with me during all this and we shot a truckload of them.All the meat went to charity as normal.
Dave wounded one and had to choke it to death.

On another hunt there they had a bunch of reindeer that they wanted to cull out as their antlers were getting infected and not falling off. So I field tested the 510 GNR on a couple.

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