Gary Reeder
The main point he makes is ALWAYS carry, no matter where
Tuesday, March 26, 2024, 16:57

you go. If the sign on the building says NO GUNS, pull your shirt over it and carry it anyway. or drop it in your wife's purse. But over all, CARRY A GUN! If people don't like it, screw 'em. Like was said your surviving could depend upon having a gun and ammo with you all the time. One survivor said "one gun is none, 2 guns is one". I am not real sure the meaning of that but just carry a gun, always. Re-arrange your clothes to allow you to carry a gun all the time. If your wife realizes the seriousness of this, have her carry too. I carry always, ALWAYS, and Colleen usually has at least 1, usually 2 guns in her purse.

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