Gary Reeder
Material objects are just that....stuff. And stuff will
Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 12:40

never replace memories, especially memories of times spent with family members or good friends. I sold several guns to pay for Colleen's Cape Buffalo and her other critters taken on her last African hunt.

Prior to that I sold a few of my guns to pay for my African lion hunt. And you know what...I have never missed those guns but I will always have the memories of that lion hunt. Memories are special. Guns are just objects. Yes some of my guns are special but it isn't the guns that are special, it is the hunts that I used those guns on that is special.

I can put a video of one of my earlier African hunts on the TV and those hunts really bring back some great memories. I can go sit on the couch with one of my guns and it does hardly anything for me. It is just a gun.

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