The slide backplate on my Glock 30s
Saturday, February 17, 2024, 17:01

It cost me $10 and it’s about too small to read, but a good message. In remembrance how God protected and guided David through his battles and exile. His lineage through the later marriage to Bathsheba was pretty important to literally everyone. The verse, something you don’t want to use but glad it’s there.


I used to have Star PD’s like some of the older sage’ men around here. I heartily respect there admiration for the piece. It is satisfying and easy to shoot. However I find the G30s smaller and a bit lighter (not counting ammo) with better reliability overall and 40% more capacity. My backup mag is G21 13-shot! It’s soulless but accurate and about fool proof. The Star is sweet, but really made to carry more than shoot. That’s what we mostly do anyway.

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