Good for both of you spooky boys!
Friday, March 05, 2021, 19:47

I can hardly watch TV these days before some commercial shows two queers together and I have to turn it off. I guess I am indeed racist?!

I'm re-reading Elmer's "Hell I was There". What a hardy rough life he lead. It give one a bit of tolerance and respect for his character. The fact he even lived is awe inspiring enough. Understanding and reading of his early life leads one to understand he was less inclined to stretch the truth than some might think. I figure he could indeed back up much of what he said. His presentation just lacked some polishing. I have some recordings of him in Africa I'd love to have a technician clean up the sound on for me.

You boys know how scared I am of bears. Clint Walker is actually related to me! I have the lineage written down for me someplace. I admired him as an actor. He had a great voice.

John you know Stonecold and his "traildog" buddies down SW of Hot Springs take great sport in making life size "Bigfoots" from 8' plywood sheets painted flat black. They place them strategically along the wooded hiking trails off a bit, peering from behind trees and such. Man that would get my heart racing at a glance! Around here we call him the "Boggy Creek Monster". They made a movie about some real life events I remember as a kid. May the boogers chase you in your dreams! lol

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