John W
" You can always work more."
Saturday, March 28, 2020, 05:10

Hello All:

The other day I made a comment to Mr.Taylor regarding the issue of there is no fun in socialisms. It isn't allowed. I am reminded of some stories from my life growing up in a small town in Massachusetts with a large number of it's citizens having a Polish ancestry.

Jim is 100% spot on. You aren't allowed to have fun under socialism.

I recall a friend of mine named Karol. He was born and raised in Czechoslovakia after WW2. That nation was first taken over by Nazi Germany and then by the Red Hoarde known as the Russian Army. After WW2 that nation would not know any sort of freedom that we would imagine. He actually expressed an interest in going hunting. Well. At that time that was the prevue of high officials . He approached a supervisor about that and the answer he got was " You can always work more." As if the free time mattered.

One of the facts of socialism and communism( in reality they are more or less the same) is that it relies on a system of slave labor. Under the old USSR you could be sentenced for 10 years hard labor for simply showing up late to work. The prisoners were called " Zeks"" in effect, slave labor. So the state got 10 years of free labor out of that system.

Another dirty secret is that the USSR took a percentage of raw materials from the Warsaw Pact nations. Poland, Czechoslovakia, The Baltic States and East Germany were to give up so much of their crop and timber each year as a payment to the USSR. So in effect the USSR impoverished those nations for a couple of generations.

What happened to Karol? Well after that he made a decision to pack his belongings into one suitcase and brave the border crossing. He escaped with shots fired over his head and eventually made it to the USA.

He raised a fine family, owned his own home and worked as a highly skilled machinist. Also. He became an avid gun owner and hunter.

I just wish that more of the younger people would realize what socialism really means.

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