I figure we have a rough couple weeks ahead
Thursday, March 12, 2020, 13:47

if only listening to all the radical hand wringing BS. It is so telling the loonie and panicked behavior of some folks. Wal-Mart is totally sold out of toilet paper and Lysol, hand sanitizer etc.

Now about anywhere else, local grocery stores, etc. Supply is just fine. It seems there is a mindset of people so locked into thinking Wal-Mart is the only place to get things. Personally I NEVER go there and have issued an edict (largely ignored) for my family not to shop there. Of all nasty places to catch an air-borne disease I figure it's a toss up between an indoor rock concert and any Wal-mart, throw in Target too. One should ALWAYS go seriously armed to a Wal-Mart as many are frequented by very unsavory types, at different times. On guard for car jacking, robbery, or abducting women or children. I am reminded of one predominant abduction and murder at our local store.

Hopefully this thing will be brought to sensible light before someone tips off the wild people and they figure to branch out in their hoarding spree. It seems the overreaction has no bounds.

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