Gary Reeder
I don't think the inventory thing has much to do with it. We
Monday, March 09, 2020, 17:29

have to do inventory by Jan. 15 so that is long past. Plus this is the normal time every gun shop stocks up as the distributors have prices marked down so they can afford to stock up in the next couple of months. Distributors have dating programs right now and most gun shops take advantage of that. Buy now and take delivery in the next 30 days and have 90 days to pay for it.

And if you are expecting $1 a gallon gas, you must be smoking something.
No it's panic buying, pure and simple. And the media is behind it completely. They are in business to broadcast bad news and the more they harp about big box stores being out of everything, the more people go there or to whatever stores they have to see what they can still get. And if they don't find what they feel they need, then they call around to see if they can find it and that adds to the scare.

With Italy talking about shutting the entire country down and some police departments here in the states furloughing some of their people for 2 to 4 weeks all that adds up to the situation. And one news channel comparing this crap to the Black Plague that hit everywhere around World War one and killed millions of people, then that scares people even more.

Nobody will convince me it isn't partly China trying to weaken this country and partly the democrats trying to make Trump look bad. And stories that 1 million doses of vaccines being ready by December just scares people even more. They worry about everything. Here in Flagstaff nobody has come down with the virus yet but as soon as there is one case of it then things will really go crazy.

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