Gary Reeder
the Khar company is a strange one. The Dad
Friday, March 06, 2020, 15:10

started the Unification Church, later called the Moonies. The son, Jason or Justin or something like that, who owns Khar Arms is also part of another part of the family church. The strange thing is they require their members to own guns, specifically AR-15s. When they have special events at the church they require all members to bring their AR-15 with them. The men have headbands made of cartridges, mostly 223s. I saw a picture some time ago and they were baptizing a baby and all the people in the gathering wore white but had an AR-15 hanging over their shoulders, women and men alike. I am sure a California liberal would go into shit conniptions if they were to walk into this church and see how the members dress and act or even if they saw a picture of the goings on there. A strange group of folks who take their gun ownership seriously. .

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