What you actually stick down your pants
Friday, February 21, 2020, 09:38

When you actually begin using all this stuff it's different. I chose the smallest 9mm handgun I could acquire that suited me specifically. I was looking for shootability, good sights, good feel to me. It is real handy to carry and I know I am so much better armed than a .380 (while being about the same size as most). Even my beloved snubby .38's cannot even come close to the utility of it. I carry with 6+1 and a spare 7 shot mag is hardly noticed. Pocket carry though not only exposes it to lint and such but can pop rounds out while you walk or sit. You really need dedicated mag carry too. Not much wider a package is a "mid-size" service 9mm. Mine happens to be an old school WaltherP99 but typifies the G19, SIG 320, XD, whatever 4" 9mm double stack. (My G30s .45 10-shot is exactly the same size -FWIW) Holstered up there is not that much difference, the cm or mm numbers really don't mean squat. How does it feel in your beltline? Does it become almost unnoticed or does it become a lingering burden with time? Something left home or in a vehicle due to discomfort won't help you a bit. As good for me as my two choices seem to me I cannot overstress how much better armed I am with the larger gun. In comparison I have a 2 lb. 2 oz. loaded 16-shot platform and a 1 lb. 7 oz. 7-shot. But the real difference is in handling and shootability.



Concealing over different forms of attire is a worthy question but the simmered answer may surprise. It's the grip sticking out. A shorter handle is so much easier to cover and not "print". Enough so that many makers have come up with viable solutions of having the larger platform but with a short grip, then including an adapter grip magazine turning the gun into a full size higher capacity rig with the longer mag inserted. Walther and Springfield, SIG and others. It validates the point, and they are worth a look. I do notice the grip length more than slide length in carrying.



Just some things to mull over. I use both. There is a little notable difference in how they feel carrying. Just a light shirt and I may use the smaller, going to church with a jacket it may be the larger. Just how I feel that day. I still have a tiny .380 and even a .25 that drop in a pocket and I use them too. Things I have noted and consider. Everyone has an opinion and it does not bother me one bit if you do something different than me. I seldom do what others suggest, initially. LOL

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