I get it. The biggest problem is that those
Friday, January 03, 2020, 23:06

fine weapons of the past, be it a Colt Python or a Colt SAA or a Colt Gold Cup etc etc, had hours of hand-fitting to make them the quality products that they were. To get that same quality today can be done, but at a cost MOST people will not pay. So, to make the products people can afford you have to keep the hand-fitting to a minimum or eliminate it altogether. Its all about the affordability of a product. That is largely why most everything is made somewhere else with much lower labor costs. As we know, a Reeder gun is a super fine quality gun due to the amount of hand-fitting etc etc, but maybe 1% of the working class will spend the money required and the rest settle for a plain Ruger..not that there is anything wrong with that. I don't expect the new Pythons to have the same smooth action as the older ones for the same reason...not hand-fitted for 1500.00 for sure.

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