Just for the fun of it a .50 AK would be better except
Wednesday, December 18, 2019, 08:10

there may be some custom factory ammo available that would smack you in recoil. Otherwise, with discretion, it would allow a whole host of ammo that the gun could shoot. .50 Bowen, .510 GNR, .500 Linebaugh, .500 Max., and .50 AK.

All of it, mostly too powerful, and inefficient, to be fun except for the first two. It would be a sort of neat show piece just because. The .510 holes might be a good thing, making the 6 lb. revolver a little lighter.

When I get to it, I want GNR to make me an Encore barrel in .50 AK for the same reason. Like Denning said if I have some wheelgun loads too hot, or I would prefer shooting from a 6 lb. platform, I can.

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